UPDATE 16/04/2021:
It’s with great pleasure that we can now say that our shop is now re-open in-line with government guidance and collections via the ‘Collect at Tegiwa’ service is now permitted. It is mandatory that 2 metre social distancing is adhered to and face masks are worn at all times when inside Tegiwa unless there are circumstances where people may not be able to wear a face covering.
We look forward to welcoming you back and showing you around our brand-new showroom!
UPDATE 15/02/2021:
With the ongoing global pandemic and in accordance with the UK government guidelines, our shop remains closed and we forbid collections via the ‘Collect at Tegiwa’ service. With couriers and delivery drivers still working tirelessly, you can still continue to order online. Non-essential staff that aren’t required to be on site to fulfil their daily duties continue to work from home to eliminate any further risk to personnel. The team here at Tegiwa send their best wishes to everybody affected during these times, we urge you to be kind to each other and support those around you.
To clarify on this update, ‘Collect at Tegiwa’ orders are strictly forbidden, and our physical shop will remain closed until we receive guidance from the UK government that it is safe to re-open.
UPDATE 05/11/2020:
With the ongoing global pandemic and in light of the recent UK government guidelines, we’ve taken the decision to close our shop and forbid collections via the ‘Collect at Tegiwa’ service. With couriers and delivery drivers still working tirelessly, you can still continue to order online. We’ve also made the decision that non-essential staff that aren’t required to be on site to fulfil their daily duties will work from home to eliminate any further risk to personnel. The team here at Tegiwa send their best wishes to everybody affected during these times, we urge you to be kind to each other and support those around you.
To clarify on this update, ‘Collect at Tegiwa’ orders are strictly forbidden and our physical shop will remain closed until we receive guidance from the UK government that it is safe to re-open.
UPDATE 21/05/2020:
Tegiwa are still monitoring the UK Government advice very closely and with the lockdown situation that we find ourselves in, we do have a backlog of outstanding orders, however this is simply becasue of slower inbound supply from distritutors and manfuacturers.
Whilst we ask for your patience in this matter, rest assured that the team are doing their best to get your orders sent out to you as quickly as possible and we’d like to apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.
Members of staff who are on-site at Tegiwa are following social distancing rules. We have hired 3 extra staff who will be able to improve our service levels during these difficult times and really push us to new levels when we're out of the other side.
Once again, the Tegiwa team send their best wishes to everybody affected during these times, we urge you all to be kind and try your best to support those around you.
"Collect at Tegiwa" orders are strictly forbidden.
Expect order processing delays of 1-2 days.
The Tegiwa Team
UPDATE 31/03/2020:
Tegiwa are monitoring the UK Government advice very closely and with the lockdown situation that we find ourselves in, we are naturally beginning to build up a backlog of orders due to reduced staff numbers on the premises.
Whilst we ask for your patience in this matter, we want to let you know that you’ll have to expect a slightly longer order process time too. Rest assured that the team are doing their best to get your parcels sent out to you as quickly as possible and we’d like to apologise for any inconvenience that this might cause.
"Collect at Tegiwa" orders are strictly forbidden.
Expect order processing delays of 1-2 days.
The Tegiwa Team
UPDATE 24/03/2020:
Due to the recent UK government guidance that was received on 23/03/2020, we have taken the decision to forbid collections via the ‘collect at Tegiwa’ shipping service option. With couriers and delivery drivers still working tirelessly, you can still continue to order online.
Tegiwa have also made the decision that all non-essential staff that aren’t required to be on site to fulfil their daily duties are now working from home to eliminate any further risk to personnel.
Again, the Tegiwa team send their best wishes to everybody affected at these times, we urge you all to be kind and try your best to support those around you.
"Collect at Tegiwa" orders are strictly forbidden.
The Tegiwa Team